Diana High - Professional Portfolio

UNM - San Juan Center Teacher Education Program
Philosophy of Teaching and Learning
Philosophy of Education and Management
Ethnographic Observation
Community Cultural Observation
Ethnographic Observation Continued
Lesson Plan Samples
Unit Plan Sample
Philosophy of Management
Final Reflection on Teaching and Learning
Working with the Special Needs Population
Teaching Reading in the Elementary School
Teaching Oral and Written Language
Learning and the Classroom
Teaching Science in the Elementary School
Teaching Reading I
Childrens Literature
Educating Linguistically Diverse Students
Microcomputers in School
Teaching Math in the Elementary School
Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School
Philosophy of Teaching and Learning

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Diana High

EDUC 400

Final Reflection


The personal act of teaching has been an immense pleasure. Seeing the same students day after day in many different situations is incredibly fulfilling, even more so than what I had initially imagined. Throughout the time that I have been student teaching I have learned many valuable lessons, tools, and management techniques to implement a positive and productive learning environment when I reach my full potential as an educator.

Children learn when they are engaged in their learning in a meaningful way and also when they have formed significant relationships with their educators. The relationship must be purposeful, but also intimate. I have witnessed the different roles of teacher student relationships in many different forms, and it has become apparent that when teachers form associations with students the students in turn are willing to put forth the effort to be active and productive learners. During a class that I was observing at Heights a student shouted out, “I get it.” To this meaningful outburst the instructor responded, “that is better than a paycheck, seriously, that’s better than a paycheck.”

The classroom learning environment that I would like to establish is one of a cooperative nature that includes mutual respect. Respect within the classroom environment among peers, and students and teachers is of utmost importance. I’ve seen the two different environments and have welcomed the techniques of the instructor that is leading with respect as opposed to the instructor that is leading with intimidation. I much prefer the learning environment that is encompassing mutual respect.

A definite belief that I have fostered throughout my student teaching journey is one of a cooperative atmosphere where students are able to gain important tools toward the extension of peer involvement. Establishing a sense of community within a classroom is vital for everyone involved.

I addressed my PDP objectives in many ways, as I worked toward determining a productive manner in which to support a varied learning environment. When given control of the classroom, I was able to adjust seating arrangements within the room. I used both small group and individual lesson plans to determine which worked better. Unfortunately, I found out that even though students have clear expectations of behavioral implications they don’t always follow those expectations. However, I believe that if given time to experiment and direct implementation of expectations, the difficulties I experienced with small groups would eventually become less cumbersome.

What worked well with the small group learning environment was that students were able to learn from one another. More than once I heard the purposeful conversations among students. If kids are placed in rows to look forward and never be engaged with one another this learning would not be likely.

When placed in small groups, students were working on center activities. In most cases I found that the center activities worked well for many. Students were able to be active in their learning and ultimately were in control of their own destiny as far as grades were concerned. Obviously, this motivational strategy is as intrinsic for some as others.

The steps I would like to take next are clear. I want my own classroom so that I can implement all of my excellent plans and ideas and take my experiences to the next level.

The most important things I have learned during student teaching is that to develop relationships with these kids is vital and extremely rewarding. Getting to know each student on an individual basis will enrich both their lives and mine, hopefully, for a very long time.

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